Pre-Teen & Teenage Therapy & Counselling

Support for pre-teens and teenagers from experienced therapists

Pre-Teen & Teenage Therapy and Counselling main image

Teenage and pre-teen years are a time for a young person when there are many significant changes in the brain biologically which have an impact on a teenager’s emotional and psychological development, how they react to things and understand what is going on around them.

It can be a time when they find it difficult to share thoughts and feelings, or when they may not feel understood. This is all happening at the same time as them looking to develop more sophisticated social skills as they career towards adult life, develop their self confidence and understand their identity.

Our support can help young people with the competing demands and pressures of modern life. It can help with their individual growth and personal identity. It’s an important time in their development that presents exciting opportunities for them to shape and know who they are.

Themes may include school or exam pressure, non-school attendance, relationships and preferences, identity, gender, home life, blended families, social anxiety, self harm, social media, body image, addiction, trauma, drugs and alcohol.